Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Surface Pro vor Ende Mai in Deutschland erhältlich

Hallo zusammen,

Das Surface Pro wird ab dem 31. Mai 2013 in Deutschland verkauft werden. Der Basispreis für die 64 GB Version wird bei 880 Euro liegen.

das bisher nur in den USA und Kanada verfügbare Tablet Surface Pro ist vor Ende Mai 2013 in Deutschland erhältlich. Laut einer Microsoft Support Seite, beginnt der Deutsch Support für das Surface Pro am 10.05.2013 ob dies auch der Termin für den geplanten Verkaufsstart ist, bleibt offen.

Das Surface Pro läuft mit einem Intel Core i5 Prozessor und hat Windows 8 installiert. Im Gegensatz zum Surface RT können Desktop Applikationen die unter Windows  8 bzw. Windows 7 laufen installiert werden.

Das Surface Pro ist mit 64 GB sowie 128 GB Flash-Speicher verfügbar von dem jeweils ein Teil schon vom Betriebssystem genutzt wird.

Äußerlich gibt es kaum Unterschied zwischen dem ARM basierten Surface RT und dem x86 basierten Surface Pro. Jedoch ist das Surface Pro etwas dicker, schwere und besitzt darüber hinaus Lüftungsschlitze im Gehäuse. Da der Prozessor aktiv gekühlt wird ist das Surface Pro auch lauter. Auch die Akkulaufzeit reduziert sich im Vergleich zum Surface RT um etwa die Hälfte auf ca. 4-5h.

Das Surface Pro ist seit Anfang Februar in den USA und Kanada erhältlich. Die Preise fangen hier bei $899 an. Preise für den deutschen Markt sind noch nicht bekannt.

Have fun!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Embedded Features in Windows 8.1 “Blue“?

Hi folks,

Windows 8.1 Build 9374 features an integrated “Kiosk-Mode” which apparently allows for a lock down of the device for a single Modern UI application according to The Verge. With the “Kiosk Mode” in place for user accounts, Apps can be selected to start at logon; the user cannot open or use another App.

This feature seems to be “light” version of the AppLocker supported in Windows Embedded 8. We will see if this “Kiosk-Mode” will be included in the final product.

Have fun!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Introduction to Windows Embedded 8 Video

Hi folks,

If you missed the Fabien Decret online webinar on March 21st 2013, talking about the Windows Embedded 8 operating system and focusing on the usage of Modern UI in an industrial context, then watch out the recording.

Enjoy !


Monday, April 15, 2013

Windows Embedded Compact QFEs for March 2013 have arrived!

Hi all,

UPDATE (May 07th 2013):

Fixes made in this update:

130329_KB2831039 - Several uninitialized variables have been identified and fixed.

Component: Browser
130318_KB2783858 - This update addresses an issue with UPnP.UPnPDeviceFinder call back failure.
130327_KB2811876 - This update addresses an issue with IME On/Off modes on IE.

Component: Core OS
130307_KB2811863 - When a CopyFile routine fails on a disk with Encryption Filter installed, GetLastError may not return the correct error code.

Component: DCOM
130320_KB2811878 - This update addresses an issue with some functions not returning an error when the input is negative.

Component: Filesys
130321_KB2811850 - RAM hive corruption may occur when volatile keys get ported from boot.hv delta to system.hv.

Component: MSFlash
130315_KB2811858 - System hang may occur during boot up.

Component: Networking
130305_KB2811845 - This update enables Gateway configuration in the DHCP Allocator. A new registry "DhcpDefaultGatewayInfo" of type REG_SZ is implemented under [HKLM\Comm\ConnectionSharing].

Component: RDP
130320_KB2811885 - RDP may take a long time to detect network disconnect event.

Component: Security
130328_KB2770893 - This update addresses an issue with CryptDecodeObjectEx failing to decode CRL.

Component: Servers
130315_KB2811848 - Stack overflow may occur when transferring 1MB or more of data using SOAP.

Component: Time Zone/DST
130318_KB2826777 - March 2013 Chile DST updates on WEC7.
130328_KB2828891 - March 2013 Paraguay DST updates on WEC7.

the March updates for Windows Embedded Compact are available for download:

Fixes made in this update:

Component: Kernel
130322_KB2826750 - This update addresses an issue with Watson Dump Generator failing to create context dump if the dump is bigger than 62K.
130329_KB2826824 - This update addresses an issue with reset of wCount/wCount2 to 0 unconditionally causing a failure in rescheduling the threads.

Component: TimeSVC
130317_KB2826774 - This update addresses CE6 DST Changes in Chile for the year 2013.
130325_KB2828890 - This update addresses CE6 DST Changes in Paraguay for the year 2013.

Fixes made in this update:

Component: TimeSVC
130320_KB2826771 - This update addresses recent DST Changes in Chile for the year 2013
130325_KB2828889 - This update addresses recent DST Changes in Paraguay for the year 2013.

REMEMBER: It’s important to keep your system up to date!

Have fun!

Friday, April 12, 2013

CEDriverWiz or the magic tool for lazy BSP developers

Hi Folks

CEDriverWiz or CE Driver Wizard tool (from David Jones) is now available in revision 2.0. This tool can save your day by creating for you a Stream driver skeleton source code.
This new release includes :

  • More driver options including driver and open context, as well as power management
  • Can fine tune what driver functions are implemented
  • Lots more new features. See download page.

- Nicolas

Thursday, April 11, 2013

7-inch tablet from Microsoft?

Hi folks,

Accordingto the Wall Street Journal, Microsoft plans a 7-inch tablet. The production of the 7-inch table is supposed to start this year.

Initially a 7-inch tablet was not planned but due to the huge success of other 7-inch devices, Microsoft apparently reconsidered. The picture shows a Microsoft Surface Pro device.

Have fun!

Today: Free Webinar: Introduction to Windows Embedded 8

Hi folks,

Don’t miss today’s free Webinar: “Windows 8 technical Strengths in industrial and business context”.

This is the last Webinar of a series of 4 where Adeneo Embedded and Arrow Europe introduce Windows Embedded 8!

Date and Time:
April 11th 2013, 3pm-4pm CET

  1. Installation and configuration of Windows 8
  2. New possibilities for mobile productivity
    1. Windows To Go
    2. DirectAccess
    3. Branchcache
  3. Control of sensitive data with AppLocker
  4. BitLocker Drive Encryption
  5. Unified management across devices
  6. Manageability and Virtualization Advancements
  7. Deployment of systems and applications
    1. Creating and running unit tests on an app
    2. Windows App Certification Kit tests
    3. Preparing and deploying apps to the enterprise

Have fun!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tweak my runtime image Build [4/4]

Hi Folks,

Last but not least article from that serie, we will look on the way to customize the build without impacting the BSP files. This will ensure that only your current OSDesign is the one impacting its own runtime image.

We are going to use the batch files and same technics as the one described in the previous articles, except that all the scripts and configuration files will be located inside a OSDesign Subproject. By creating a generic Subproject you will be able to reuse it on various projects OSDesign.
So first we do have to create a Subproject, which require to open an existing OSDesign in Visual Studio. For this you have to proceed as following :

  1. From VS2008 Project menu, select Add New Subproject
  2. Select WCE Console Application project template and name it BuildTweaker
  3. Hit next and select An empty subproject
  4. It should add a new subproject to the OSDesign
  5. Edit the sources files of the BuildTweaker project and replace (at line 20) TARGETTYPE=PROGRAM to TARGETTYPE=NOTARGET, to ensure that it won't look for source code to compile.
The batch files to be executed during the make image step have to be located in the Flat Release Directory (%_FLATRELEASEDIR%), then to get those files copied to the appropriate folder on time, we can modify the postbuild.bat file of the project.
  1. Create the batch files and store them into the BuildTweaker\batch folder.
  2. Edit the postbuild.bat file
@REM Add post-link commands below.
@echo off

echo copying batch files
copy "%_OSDESIGNROOT%\BuildTweaker\batch\*.*" "%_PROJECTROOT%\cesysgen\oak\target\%_TGTCPU%\%WINCEDEBUG%"
copy "%_OSDESIGNROOT%\BuildTweaker\batch\*.*" "%_FLATRELEASEDIR%"

- Nicolas

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

warning C4005: 'ZONE_ERROR' : macro redefinition

Hi Folks,

Sometimes when you work with DEBUG ZONES under Windows Embedded Compact, you will get one of the following warnings when compiling your code:

warning C4005: 'ZONE_INIT' : macro redefinition
warning C4005: 'ZONE_WARNING' : macro redefinition
warning C4005: 'ZONE_ERROR' : macro redefinition

Although, it’s not a must, it is very common to name your DEBUG ZONES ZONE_INIT, ZONE_WARNING, ZONE_ERROR, etc. hence the high probability of a redefinition.

To fix this compiler warning simply undefined the DEBUG ZONE defines in question right before defining them in your driver:

#ifdef ZONE_INIT
#undef ZONE_INIT

#define ZONE_INIT…

Have fun!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Tweak my runtime image Build [3/4]

Hi Folks

In the two previous post of that serie, we identified the batch files used in the make image, and created one that modifies the registry to include time stamp information. In this post we are going to perform some clean up of the nk.bin file in order to remove files that are automatically integrated inside the run-time image, like the audio files used by explorer.exe.
Note : it is not suggested to include the standard graphical shell in a shipped product. You own shell must be the shell used by the end user, that's the purpose of an embedded system.

The files included inside the run-time image are defined in the bib files, and all those files are merged together into a file named ce.bib and located in the Release Directory (%_FLATRELEASEDIR%). The appropriate batch file to use to manipulate the ce.bib file is the PostFmergeBib.bat file.

To simplify this development we are going to store that batch file in the FILES folder of the BSP : %_TARGETPLATROOT%\FILES (c:\WINCE700\Platform\<platform name>\FILES).
  • PostFmergeBib.bat content :
@echo off
REM Clean the ce.bib file content


It calls the BIBCleaner.bat, located in the BSP folder, with the path to the ce.bib file in parameters. The ce.bib file should contains instructions that list the files to be remove. This information must follow a format that will be used by the script in order to identify that list of file.
In your OSDesign add the list of files to remove using the instruction ; @BIBREMOVE witht the semicolon. If you want to remove the foo file from the NK.bin, then type :

  • BIBCleaner.bat content
@echo off
rem -- Remove items from a .bib file
rem -- Use "; @BIBREMOVE " to remove an item
rem -- make sure to keep semicolon and spaces
rem -- The filtering is case-insensitive and a list of 
rem -- removed items is appended to the resulting file
rem -- USAGE: BIBCleaner.bat <bibfile.bib> 

if not exist %1 goto :EOF

rem -- extract files marked by tag 
findstr "@BIBREMOVE" %1 > ~bibremove~.0
for /f "tokens=3 eol=§" %%I in (~bibremove~.0) do (
echo Removing %%I from %1
echo %%I>> ~bibremove~.1
rem -- filter marked files 
if exist ~bibremove~.1 (
findstr /i /v /g:~bibremove~.1 %1 > ~bibremove~.2
echo ; ** Files removed by BIBCleaner.bat ** >> ~bibremove~.2
type ~bibremove~.0 >> ~bibremove~.2
copy ~bibremove~.2 %1 > NUL:
rem -- cleanup temporary files 
del ~bibremove~.*

Here we are the ce.bib has been cleaned up, but make sure that the files removed are not used by the system !
If you would like to remove the wav files used by explorer.exe, you might add the following line to the OSDesign.bib file :
; @BIBREMOVE asterisk.wav  
; @BIBREMOVE close.wav
; @BIBREMOVE critical.wav  
; @BIBREMOVE default.wav   
; @BIBREMOVE empty.wav
; @BIBREMOVE exclam.wav
; @BIBREMOVE infbeg.wav
; @BIBREMOVE infend.wav
; @BIBREMOVE infintr.wav   
; @BIBREMOVE menupop.wav   
; @BIBREMOVE menusel.wav   
; @BIBREMOVE openprog.wav  
; @BIBREMOVE question.wav  
; @BIBREMOVE startup.wav   
; @BIBREMOVE windmax.wav   
; @BIBREMOVE windmin.wav   
; @BIBREMOVE recstart.wav  
; @BIBREMOVE recend.wav

But you also have tune the WinCE registry, to unregister the wav file as system audio file defined in the control panel applet. For this follow the instructions of previous post on registry tweaking scripts.

    ".Scheme"=".NoSounds"        ; Current scheme
- Nicolas

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Tweak my runtime image Build [2/4]

Hi Folks,

In the previous post of that serie, we identified the batch files that could be use to modify the behaving of the make image steps. In this post we are going to add a time stamp information inside the WinCE registry.

The file that we have to modify is the PostFmergeReg.bat file as it is launched after the creation of the reginit.ini file and before its compression. The file is the content of the registry as it will be inside the runtime image.
To simplify this development we are going to store that batch file in the FILES folder of the BSP : %_TARGETPLATROOT%\FILES (c:\WINCE700\Platform\<platform name>\FILES).

  • PostFmergeReg.bat content :
@echo off
REM Add time stamp information to reginit.ini

call %_TARGETPLATROOT%\FILES\RegTimeStamp.bat %_FLATRELEASEDIR%\reginit.ini

It calls the RegTimeStamp.bat, located in the BSP folder, with the path to the reginit.ini file in parameters.

  •  RegTimeStamp.bat content
@echo off

REM ---
if not exist %1 goto :EOF

echo ; ** Entries added by RegTimeStamp.bat > ~RegTimeStamp~.0
REM --- Add time stamp information in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Ident] 
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Ident] >> ~RegTimeStamp~.0

REM -- Time info
echo  "BuildTime"="%TIME%" >> ~RegTimeStamp~.0

REM -- Date info
echo  "BuildDate"="%DATE%" >> ~RegTimeStamp~.0

REM -- Computer info
echo  "BuildOn"="%COMPUTERNAME%" >> ~RegTimeStamp~.0

REM -- User info
echo  "BuildBy"="%USERNAME%" >> ~RegTimeStamp~.0

REM -- 
type ~RegTimeStamp~.0 >> %1
del ~RegTimeStamp~.0

After the execution of PostFmergeReg.bat the reginit.ini file is integrating the time stamp information, at the bottom of the file, and the make image process will continue its execution and generate the NK.bin with the information.

NK.bin, with Time Stamp

- Nicolas

Friday, April 5, 2013

Tweak my runtime image Build [1/4]

Hi Folks,

In Windows Embedded Compact 7 and earlier versions, the build of the runtime image is processed by various batch files and msbuild files. When it comes to customize the build process, the first idea that come to your mind is to modify those files in order to change their original behavior. But this implies that the new behaving will have an impact on all the OSdesign that you will build.
If you look in details on the build process, you will identify that alternative batch files can be launched prior and after make image build phases.

The bach file list is the following, defined in the order they will be executed :
  • PreMakeImg.proj : project file launched prior to the make image step
  • PreFmergeBib.bat : launched prior merging the bib files into ce.bib
  • PostFmergeBib.bat : launched after ce.bib creation
  • PreFmergeReg.bat : launched prior merging the reg files into reginit.ini
  • PostFmergeReg.bat : launched after reginit.ini creation but before compression
  • PreFmergeDb.bat : launched prior merging the db files into initdb.ini
  • PostFmergeDb.bat : launched after initdb.ini creation 
  • PreFmergeObj.bat : launched prior merging the dat files into initobj.dat
  • PostFmergeObj.bat : launched after initobj.dat creation
  • PreRomImage.proj : project file launched prior to the rom image step
  • PostRomImage.bat : launched after the nk.bin creation
  • PostMakeImg.bat : launched after the make image step

You can now customize the build steps by developing your own batch files and storing them into the FILES folder of your BSP.
The customization can be a simple modification of the registry files by adding time stamp information inside the runtime image, or could be more complex like removing unused files from the bib file, like wav files and sample pictures added by default, with the goal of reducing the size of the NK.bin.

- Nicolas

Today: Free Webinar: Introduction to Windows Embedded 8

Hi folks,

Don’t miss today’s free Webinar: “Access to the Cloud with a strong authentication from Windows 8 based technologies”.

This is Webinar number 3 of a Series of 4 where Adeneo Embedded and Arrow Europe introduce Windows Embedded 8!

Date and Time:
April 5th 2013, 3pm-4pm CET

  1. Introduction
  2. Azure into a few words
  3. Authentication with the Live SDK : ACS
  4. Windows Azure Toolkit for Windows 8
  5. Windows Azure Mobile Services
    1. Data
    2. Users
    3. Push Notifications
  6. AES encryption with Windows 8
  7. Encrypting data in Windows Azure Storage
  8. Web services with authentication based on password credentials and certificates

Have fun!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

IntelliSense in PlatformBuilder?

Hi folks,

here is an easy way to enable IntelliSense in PlatformBuilder for Windows Embedded Compact 7:

1.       Create or open an OSDesign
2.       In the Solution Explorer, right-click and select Show in Favorites for any component you want to add IntelliSense to (in this example I use _WINCEROOT\PUBLIC\COMMON\OAK\DRIVERS\USB\HCD\USB20\EHCIPDD)

3.       Note: if you add large components (i.e. a BSP) you will get the following warning

4.       Now the selected component(s) is/are shown in the Solution Explorer under Favorites

5.       Et violà you have successfully enabled IntelliSense

Have fun!