Friday, January 30, 2015

Windows Embedded search on MSDN

Hi folks,

as you all know, it can be tedious to search for Windows Embedded stuff on MSDN Library. You might find the following few pointers helpful:
1.       MSDN Library entry tiles contain the name of the product in brackets e.g.
a.       (Compact 2013) for Windows Embedded Compact 2013
b.      (Industry 8.1) for Windows Embedded Industry 8.1
c.       etc.
2.       mostly only the current version of a Windows Embedded product is revealed when searching the MSDN Library
3.       once a MSDN Library article is found for the current version of a Windows Embedded product, the URL can be manipulated to find the same MSDN Library article for an older version of the Windows Embedded product. Let’s see an example: We want to find the MSDN Library article for CreateFile for Windows Embedded Compact 7:
a.       a search for “CreateFile (Compact 2013)” reveals the following link:
b.      we can now add the version name of the desired version just in front of the .aspx extension, in our example “(v=winembedded.70)”:
c.       et voila, we can read the desired MSDN Library article

Have fun!

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